

Friday, December 26, 2014

21 Day Fix - A Christmas Journey Week 2 Results!

21 Day Fix - A Christmas Journey - Week 2 Results! 

So, here they are - I'm down two weeks with the program and this is what I have accomplished so far - I have lost 4.6 lbs and I don't know how many inches as I will take those on Day 22. I have one week left with the program and will detail my plans to maximize my results below! 

And, just in case you forgot -- this is where I started two weeks ago...

Now, my plan to finish my 21 Day Fix out strong is to do doubles as laid out in the guide and to complete the 3 Day Refresh starting on Monday. The 3 Day Refresh pretty much dictates what your diet will look like for 3 days, so that's nothing crazy - until then I will be continuing to do lower carb, drinking my Shakeology everyday, drinking at least half my body weight in ounces of water, and avoiding junk food and soda. I'm officially 3 weeks clean of any type of soda! Yeah! 

Ready to get the 21 Day Fix and Shakeology?  Click HERE to get yours today! 

Wanna join me in getting healthy and fit?? Look out for my next challenge group OR sign up for a FREE Team Beachbody membership with me as your COACH to receive an email from me for a one on one discussion of your goals and what you would like to accomplish with a specific Beachbody program! <3 You can email me at or sign up for your membership HERE

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