Romans 12: 6-8
"Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness."
Are you blessed with certain talents?
Some would say that I am blessed with the talent of art. I've always enjoyed drawing, painting, crafting, and most other artistic endeavors. Some could even say that using that gift or talent, if you will, was my release. I could be in my own little world while painting and it was something that I could do at ANY time before I had children.
After having my boys and really, after going to work full time, I traded my talent for that of stability. When I was working, I didn't have time because I was working all..the..time. Since trading a full time job for full time parenting, I have traded my talent for that of an orderly house and well behaved, well loved, well educated children.
And, just when I thought certainly that I would never get to use or exercise my talent again, my mother's decorating and design business took off. And, she wanted to have an added value that she could give to her clients. I immediately offered to paint something for her. How cool to have an original piece of artwork in your home, right? Right...I think.
It was only after I got home that it really sunk in what I had offered. I had not painted ANYTHING in well over 5 years...much less a large piece to be featured in someone's vacation home. Oh goodness...
She requested a blue crab. She was decorating a beachside condo. So, I went to work...the piece ended up around two feet high by three feet wide. This is where I started.

And, during the time I spent on the painting...I reclaimed my love for art. I remembered WHY I enjoyed it and it wasn't just for ME. It was because I enjoyed seeing and hearing others reactions to my artwork. It may not be incredible or breathtaking to a lot of people, but it may make others stop and wish that they could share a talent like mine.
And, just when I thought certainly that I would never get to use or exercise my talent again, my mother's decorating and design business took off. And, she wanted to have an added value that she could give to her clients. I immediately offered to paint something for her. How cool to have an original piece of artwork in your home, right? Right...I think.
It was only after I got home that it really sunk in what I had offered. I had not painted ANYTHING in well over 5 years...much less a large piece to be featured in someone's vacation home. Oh goodness...
She requested a blue crab. She was decorating a beachside condo. So, I went to work...the piece ended up around two feet high by three feet wide. This is where I started.
And, this is where it ended. It was a fun, colorful piece and my mom loved it. I'm waiting to hear what the client thought.

And, during the time I spent on the painting...I reclaimed my love for art. I remembered WHY I enjoyed it and it wasn't just for ME. It was because I enjoyed seeing and hearing others reactions to my artwork. It may not be incredible or breathtaking to a lot of people, but it may make others stop and wish that they could share a talent like mine.
Then, I read my daily devotion -- the scripture at the top of this post -- and it hit me that I should continue to share my talent with others. It is a God-given talent and one He instilled in and trusted ME with and THAT is pretty awesome. So, even if YOU don't necessarily enjoy it, I will continue to use this blog as a medium to share my talent with the world. (Although, I do hope you enjoy it and are INSPIRED to share YOUR talent with ME and OTHERS!) <3
God bless ya'll!
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