

Monday, November 18, 2013

Motivation Monday: My newest transformation journey

On the road again...
   On the health and fitness road, that is. I admit it, I fell off track. Got distracted. Didn't care for two weeks. And, well, let's just say, my waistline has suffered for it. So, here they are, my official getting-back-on-track accountability photos. They are here for the entire world to see and help keep me on track -, especially, through the holidays! 
   Now, onto what I will be doing to lose 10 lbs before New Years Eve...
I will be using my old faithful ChaLEAN Extreme and ShakeologyI will be following the program as laid out in the guide, as well as, following the nutritional guide provided with the program. After the first 30 days - otherwise known as the Burn phase - I will be adding an extra 20-30 minutes of cardio per day throughout the next 30 days - called the Push phase.  The last 30 days of the program, I will be following as laid out. It's called the Lean Phase for a reason!  Check back every week for progress photos and your dose of motivation to push through YOUR workouts! 
   If you would like to join me in this journey, please shoot me an email at  OR add me on Facebook and reference Flabby Mom to FIT Mom!