This is Rebecca. She has lost 219 lbs. with Beachbody's at home workout programs and Shakeology...Below is her story.
Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?*
I have grown up my entire life over weight, I thought this is how I was meant to live and that was it. I tried to hide from cameras, I was embarrassed to be introduced to new people, and I hurt all over. I grew up being told that I would be so much prettier if I had lost weight by family and friends. I basically accepted that I would never be anything but the heavy girl. I was unable to do things I enjoyed with friends because I was to big, I couldn't fit in booths at restaurants, or in a normal seat at the doctors office, even some cars were uncomfortable. I FEARED being out in public because not being able to sit in a sit was scary, I dropped classes because the desk were so tight I did not want people to see me trying to sit in them.
What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?*After I had gotten married in April of 2011 I did my first 5K it took me over an hour to complete it and I was hurting ALL OVER. I was the last person to finish the race that day. So that, the fact I had been on bed rest due to my high blood pressure, and then having to have my wedding dress made because I was so big I couldn't buy one in my size I knew it was time to change. I was newly married and late 20s I was sick of always eating and sitting on the couch! My weight had caused me to have a miscarriage at 24 weeks pregnancy, stopped me from buying cars, clothes, you name it my weight was controlling me and I was tired of it! I was tired of seeing pictures of myself and not being happy with it.
What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody® help you overcome that challenge?*I have used Slim in 6, Les Mills Pump, Turbo Jam, TurboFire (which I now have been doing for over a year), and P90X to get where I am at a total weight loss of 180lbs. The biggest challenge before beginning the program was being open minded in giving it a chance. You see the commercials and you really think there is no way that this could happen with out paying for a trainer or having major surgery. Beachbody helped me because they have something at every level of fitness. My very first program was Slim in 6 and it was perfect for me to get moving, once I completed this I started doing more cardio such as the elliptical and then I saw the Les Mill Pump commercial and I knew that this would be a perfect way to start weight training, after that TurboJam I wasn't using TurboJam to long before I was ready to set this thing on FIRE! And I haven't looked back! I have used it alone and with P90X TWICE!! It's a godsend, the nutrition guides have taught me how to eat more than any trainer.
Why did you choose this particular program?I love to get loud and crazy when I work out, if you're not having fun then why do it?! So I loved PUMP the music was wonderful and great trainers, so I decided to order Turbo Jam after previewing it at a Fit Club and it came with a surprise the Greatest HIITs DVD! Wow I found myself wanting more and more of the that little fire disk I purchased the program!!! It's such a well made program the music is older but STILL good even present day!! It's challenging me still right now!! I mean where else can you get all of these classes, great trainer, great music, and ALWAYS challenging you, not at my gyms!!
What in particular did you like about the program you chose?*Non stop challenging and if you feel like you wanna stick your butt out or shake it a little you can and it's highly encouraged by Mrs. Chalene Johnson so is always saying this is your WORKOUT go for it. The class is fun even if your not really there you feel like you are. The HIIT trainings have helped me in so many ways, I hate running but the cardio conditioning I do with this program has really helped me even succeed in RUNNING!
Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?*My weight loss is unreal still to me! Mouths drop and some even cry when they ask what I have been doing and that I'm using the at home workouts. I tell them I dont have to spend hours in the gym, you can get results at home with BeachBody!!! My clothes fit different almost every week so much that I will not buy any new clothes since I seem to go down a jean size every month. And the fact that I'm inspiring so many other people is the best achievement!! Another honor was that Under Armour Women have been following my progress to lose 200lbs and are so inspired by me they said I was redefining the female athlete and are proud of me.
How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?*Since I have been using Beachbody I have been asked to be the spokesperson for our 'know your numbers' campaign at work to encourage others to get healthy, I have been recognized on the Under Armour Women What's Beautiful Site as a featured Athlete, I have watched as a woman I have inspired lose 30lbs since Jan 2013, I felt confident to get a better job, I'm graduating with my AA this May, and I got Turbo Kick Certified. I don't know if I would have ever gotten to this point with out Beachbody or the community of people that are associated with this AMAZING company.
How did your Team Beachbody® Coach support you on your journey?My beachbody coach has now become my friend. She is so humble and real, when she first emailed me my husband said it's a scam...haha, but turns out she is totally real. She continues to motivate me and encourage me to keep pressing play, I never took my before and after pictures before I met her. She said it would keep me motivated to see my results and she was so right it does. I hear from her almost daily, I think she is my biggest fan. Theres not one day she doesnt tell me how proud of me she is.
How did a Beachbody Supplement or Nutritional Product or Program (such as Shakeology® or Beachbody Ultimate Reset®) support your transformation? What are the greatest benefits you gained? Did you see benefits to your energy, sleep, mood/mental clarity, digestion/regularity?I love the Shakeology, I believe it really set the bar to eating clean and healthy. I have used all of them, you name it, and Shakeology is the only one I have been able to continue using. It gives me energy, makes me feel better, the taste is amazing and you can do so much with it. with Shakeology and working out I have brought my grades up, have less cravings, learned what super foods are. Shakeology really helps you learn to rethink all of your daily choices.
How did a Beachbody Supplement or Nutritional Product or Program affect any existing health conditions you have?At one point I was taking four pills a day, three for blood pressure, and one for depression but not any longer!
Did you achieve any other measureable improvements with a Beachbody Supplement or Nutritional Product or Program? (e.g. Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, triglycerides, etc...)Team Beachbody home page has a million great tips, I encourage everyone to get on there and browse, everything from nutrition to success stories theres something to inspire and help everyone.
What tips or tools did you find most useful? What made them so instrumental?Team Beachbody home page has a million great tips, I encourage everyone to get on there and browse, everything from nutrition to success stories theres something to inspire and help everyone.
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