

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

21 Day Fix - a Christmas journey

The 21 Day Fix is a program that combines at home exercise with a portion control meal plan to optimize weight loss and toning. The portion control part of the plan involves using the color coded containers to measure out your food.
Your container allowance per day is calculated based on your weight and the average of 400 calories burned per fix workout.  Then you are given a range you need to stay in!
For me, I am in the 1,200 to 1,499 calorie range! That gives me 3 green (veggies) 2 purple (fruits), 4 Red (protein) 2 Yellow (starchy carbs) 1 Blue (nuts, ect) 1 Orange (nuts and dressings) 2 spoons (nut butters, olive oil).  

Then, each container is broken down in the manual with a list of foods that you can eat. I can easily pick from each list and create a meal plan for the week.  The foods are listed in order of importance, so the higher on the list the foods are the better they are for you! You should aim to have a variety of foods from the lists to give you appropriate nutrients for your body.

I do not eat out of the containers, but I measure and pour onto my plate.  The containers LOOK deceivingly small, so I am amazed with how much food I am still eating.

There is the option to drink milk, soy milk, almond milk, coconut water, coconut milk and fruit juices but you have to sub out a yellow container and you are only allowed the subbed yellow container 3x per week - this container still staying within your yellow containers for the day!  So it does make you think about your drinks as far as what they would equal nutritionally, as well.  I tend to use black coffee instead of any type of milk or juice in my Shakeology so that I can have the carb later in the day to keep my energy level up!  Also you can have a glass of wine but you give up a yellow container which is a carb for the day!  In my case, I would rather eat food than drink wine!  I get hangry without food! 

How does Shakeology fit into this??  It is counted as a Red container which is a protein! Making it the perfect meal replacement for me, since I tend to slack on my protein intake!

There are also treats allowed as well. They give you a list of treat ideas (with recipes!) that replace a yellow container. 

Recipes!  There are a list of seasoning mixes that you can whip up to prepare your food with! They are super easy to prepare and taste amazing!  There are container recipes for your veggies, protein and starchy carbs, as well.  I especially love the recipes for the homemade dressings!

There is an awesome restaurant guide as well.  I like that they give you a list of restaurant foods and what containers that they will check off.  For example cheese and veggie pizza (1/4 of  12inch slice) is 2 yellow, 1 orange and 1 green!  In my opinion that would not be worth it to me!  I'm all about getting the most out of the foods that I eat!!!!  The one I would go with is lean meat tacos (soft corn) with cheese, lettuce, and salsa (2 tacos) is 1 yellow, 1 red, 1 green and 1 blue!
Now that is worth it and filling! 

So now the hard part is figuring out how to keep track of all this and make it work for you!  Luckily we have made it easy for you!  On the Team Beachbody site there are tracking sheets that you can put your container allowance at the top and you can tally each meal of the day and check of what you have! This really gives you a visual to follow. There are also amazing apps available in the Apple Store and Android Google Play store!
Now, the hard part - showing the good old 'goodbye' photos! These are my before photos for this round. Following a total hysterectomy in August and then 12 weeks of recovery - this is what I look like - not horrible, but not great either. I have a goal of competing come November of 2015 and want a solid start! Time to start stripping some fat off of this ole body!
This is me in 2012 - time to get back to THAT!  I looked good and even better, I FELT good! 

It's game on!!!!  You can follow my results over the next 21 days!!!  I'm ready to rock it!

Do you want in on my 21 Day Fix accountability and Support?!?!  Sign up for your FREE Team account HERE and email me at to be considered for my next accountability and support group!  I will keep you on track to reaching your own 21 day success!!!!  The start of a new you, a healthier lifestyle and the body you have always wanted..... THE HEALTHY WAY!!

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