

Monday, December 8, 2014

An apology...

    I want to apologize to all of you that read this blog. I have slacked on posting the things that I had hoped would inspire and motivate other moms to get healthy and lose weight. I have slacked on my fitness and nutrition. I have let LIFE get in the way. I have missed emails and comments and have just plain sucked it up.

    Well, my resolution for this year is to be better than ever at bringing you all quality content and helping you all to see the benefit in working out at home with your family. While my workouts are my "me" time, it never fails that a little guy will come wandering in wanting to join me and I wouldn't have it any other way - because we are the examples of healthy living for our children and healthy habits ALWAYS start at HOME. 

    So, in closing this apology, I'm starting my resolution early. Look for great content DAILY. Look for tips on how to fit your workout in, while balancing the rest of your busy lives. Will it be easy (on my end or your end)? No. Will it be worth it? YES! 

Email me at with questions or concerns. I'm open to fielding anything and everything.

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