

Friday, April 26, 2013

Help find Bryson a kidney!


      Good morning!  I need your help. It's a cause near and dear to my heart. You see, my nephew, Bryson Hatcher, needs a kidney.

     Bryson, he's a fighter. Multiple doctors told my sister when she was in the last trimester to go ahead and start planning his funeral - she had no amniotic fluid because his kidneys weren't functioning. The lack of amniotic fluid would affect his lung development, he wouldn't live an hour outside of the womb. Thank God for her spirit and determination, because she refused to believe that and searched for a doctor that felt the same. She found one at Jackson Hospital in Miami, FL. The doctor told her that as long as he came out breathing on his own, they would do everything in their power to keep him alive. Needless to say, he came out to stay.

     But, Bryson's story doesn't end there. Over the 2 1/2 years of his life, he has endured test after test, in a quest to correctly diagnose and treat the condition that he affected by. That diagnosis finally came late last year at the incredible Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. He was diagnosed with a rare condition called Joubert's syndrome.

     Joubert's causes blindness and kidney failure. Bryson has been blind since birth, but that's something he can live with. He CAN'T live without a kidney. He's currently enduring a regimen of nightly dialysis, a round of 8 different medications per day, and weekly bloodwork. It's a full-time job shared by his parents, Rachel and Phillip. Phillip works days and Rachel works nights and picks up extra shifts on Phillip's days off...all so Bryson has everything he needs.

     Bryson is on two transplant lists, but that could take up to a year or longer, and his little body is getting really tired. Understandably. Neither of Bryson's parents are a match. While any kidney is better than no kidney, a live donor is best. They are lookin for a healthy man or woman, non-smoker, age 18 to 30, with O positive or O negative blood type.

     If you or someone you know fits this criteria and is in the North Florida/Panhandle area, please feel free to contact Rachel and Phillip at or on Facebook at Phillip-Rachel Hatcher . If you would like to show your support and follow Bryson's story, you may do so at Finding Bryson a Kidney .

     Thank you for taking the time to read and share this post. <3

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