

Monday, August 12, 2013

Motivation Monday: What drives you?


Motivation Monday: What DRIVES you?

    Everyone has SOMETHING that drives them, motivates them to do the things that they do. It is WHY they do what they do!  It could be faith, family, money, power, service, etc.
    Most people are motivated by money or the pursuit of it. They want to do more, be more, make more.  BUT, then there are others, who are motivated by service and faith and making a difference in others lives.
   Personally, I'm motivated by three things.  First, faith; second, family; and third, service. I want to be a person who does things for the glory of the Lord, whether it be leading others to Him or being an example of a Christian woman.  I want to be that person for my family, especially my two boys. I want them to always remember their mom as generous, kind, and caring. But, most of all, strong. I want to be a service to others, in whatever way that I can be. I enjoy helping others with the health and fitness, but if I can be of service in other ways, I would like to be.
    So, what motivates you to be the person that you are?  Is it fame, fortune, faith, family? Is it to be remembered as a Godly person or as a star? Post below in the comments!  I would love to hear about your WHY! :)

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