

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

After a hiatus...I'm back! Ahhh!!!

Okay, so I was a little absent...okay, MORE than a little absent from this blog for a while. A long while. Between my computer being destroyed (thanks to my two year old, who knocked it off of our coffee table during an epic fit) and at the same time feeling like I wasn't reaching many all have knocked my socks off!  I've received message after message saying that you found me on Pinterest or through Google and where have I been???  It's touched me and so, I'm back. I'm back for you and for me. The break was just what I needed to get my head right again. I had gotten so caught up in the fact that I wanted to help others that I forgot that I started this blog to help ME! To post the things that I love, find inspiring, enjoy eating. The attitude of this community starts with me and I want it to be positive, full of light, and I was not in that place at the time. 

So, epic fit or not, it was meant to be for me to have this little break to get my head back to where it needed to be. My waistline, unfortunately, has suffered for it. I'll be posting pictures in a later post today. But, for now, I'll tell you about my Team Beachbody Coach Summit experience. 

It.was.amazing. It was my second time at Summit, but my husband's first time. I enjoyed everything a little bit more because he was with me. He got to see my passion, now understands why I spend so much time on the computer and on my phone, gets why I love all of my "online" friends so much! He got to connect with people that he would have otherwise never spoken to and we got to experience an awesome event together! He is now 100% supportive of me and my business, which 3 months ago, had you told me that would happen, I would have laughed in your face! 

We got to hang out with my incredible team and connect with them on such a bigger level than what we ever could online. I'm blessed to be a part of this awesome company, Beachbody, and to be a part of something so much bigger than I ever could have dreamed of on my own. 

I can only pray that YOU find your own passion to follow and pursue. I've found mine in helping others succeed with their health and fitness, as well as, financially through Team Beachbody. If you ever feel like you would want to be a part of this company or would like to learn more, friend request me or shoot me a message on Facebook - find me here. I love to share not only our awesome products, but the opportunity to live a life unbound. I have freedom with this business that I never would have dreamed of having as a stay at home mom. I'm already registered to go to Summit 2015 in Nashville July 15-19th. I CAN'T WAIT! I hope to have YOU with me there! 

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