

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

My PiYO Journey Begins...

    My PiYO Journey Begins...

 To say that I'm embarrassed of myself would be an understatement. I've treated my body like a trash bag over the past month and it SHOWS. I'm beyond mortified at my 'before' pictures and the extra 10 lbs that I've put on that is EVERYWHERE!  It looks like I've gained 20 since my 21 Day Fix results. Just goes to show that what you eat in private, you wear in public. So, it is with much trepidation that I share with you all my 'before' pictures and measurements for my new journey with PiYO. 

    Disappointing, right?  Totally. The end of the world?  No. I can lose that ten pounds I put on plus some. My goal is to lose 20 lbs by October 7, 2014. To be in the best physical shape that I can be. I'll turn 29 on October 7th. I have said over and over again that I want to be in peak physical condition before 30. Well, this is it. The end of the road. I have to do it THIS YEAR. Period. I can do it and will do it.  Now for the second hardest part of this post. My measurements. 

Weight - 145 (as of 7/7/14)
Chest - 35"
Waist - 28.75"
Hips - 39"
R Thigh - 23.75"
L Thigh - 23.75"
R Bicep - 11.25"
L Bicep - 11.25"

    My thighs have NEVER...let me repeat that, NEVER, been smaller than 21.5" around. I have a goal to get those bad boys down to 20", or ultra toned and muscular. Anybody else??

    So, here's the thing, I need accountability. I need other people who are on the same journey with me!  I need YOU to help ME get back and stay on track! If you are ready to tackle the PiYO journey with me, NOW is the time!  My PiYO test group is starting officially on Monday, July 14th. Please CLICK HERE to learn more about PiYO and get signed up for the group! 

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