

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Transformation Tuesday: MY 21 Day Fix Extreme Results!

So, there I was on day 1...

Feeling like a failure because my body had gone NUTS after my hysterectomy and finding what I could eat and couldn't eat and what exercise my body would respond to and wouldn't respond to felt nearly hopeless. I felt bloated, tired, and hopeless. Like I had not only failed myself, but the people who were looking to me for weightloss and health living motivation. BUT, I pressed on - hoping and praying that this new program and the meal plan would help me get out of this rut I was in, that I would FINALLY find something that would give me the results that I was after. 

AND - it DID!  The 21 Day Fix Extreme and Shakeology were a God send when I really needed one. I followed the Countdown to Competition plan for 2 of the 3 weeks of the program - as best a stay at home mama who is regularly fed by her children can. I resisted some of the things that they offered me, but not all. And, the second week, my son was on Spring Break, so that week was all over the place with my nutrition AND my workouts. 

But, with all of that being said, I have found a program and meal plan that work for my post-hysterectomy body! It's exciting and a source of relief! 

I lost a total of 6 lbs (even with my crazy week 2) and 8 inches! 

If you would like help with your health and fitness or would like to be a part of my next online accountability group, please fill out this form--->

I would love for us to reach our health and fitness goals TOGETHER! <3

(email any questions to me at

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